On 12/04/2024, one of the Core-team members of our Anubitux Project presented for the absolute first time the open-source distribution Anubitux, during the Cyber forensics IISFA Forum 2024, in Rome, in the prestigious setting of the University la Sapienza, at the Aula Magna of the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering (DIAG).
Thanks to the International Information Systems Forensics Association (IISFA) for providing an opportunity to present this Distro.
On the occasion, it was possible to show in broad outline the functioning of this open-source, highly customized Linux distribution useful for moving securely with cryptocurrencies, providing practitioners with a pre-configured and reliable environment to be deployed in operational scenarios.
For this occasion, we have created a dedicated Youtube Channel (please Subscribe if you find it useful), where we have uploaded the speech, and in which we will add other short demonstration videos on how to take advantage of the many tools in the distribution.
(Thanks to Cybersecurity Italia for recording and publishing the whole event)
In any case, the project site is already well-stocked with guides of all kinds, from installation to the operation of the main tools, please take a look at the section concerning documentation and tutorials
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